Monday, December 8, 2008

Everything wrapped into one

Hopefully I can get everything into one blog and it is not extremely long. I have to go back to before Halloween.
As most of you know I am the Primary President in our ward. We had our first primary program sometime ago and I was really surprised that it went okay. The children sang really loud and they for the most part were really well behaved on the stage. It didn't run over it was a perfect amount of time. It helps a lot when you have great teachers, choristers, pianists, and counselers.
We had a blast Carving Pumpkins. I don't know what it is but we can only keep our kids attentino for about two minutes when it comes time to carve. They are always really excited up to the point but then they lose interest and Mark and I end up doing all the work. Let me rephrase that. Mark ends up doing all the work. It think pumpkin guts are gross. I can't touch them and apparently neither can our children. Carson would look in the Punpkin and I believe we got him to stick his hand in the top of one once. Other then that he just wanted to see what Mark was doing. Mark did an awesome job at carving them.
Halloween was fun. When we were looking for costumes Mark found a Scooby doo costume and decided we had just the right numbers for Mystery Inc. So we ordered the scooby doo costumes, and the Dafny costume online the rest we kinda found every where else. Goodwill is and excelent place to find stuff for costumes. That is were my skirt and Austins shirt came from. Mark had every thing for his except the red ascot. That we had to improvise. We bought a little girls pair of red tights and tied them around his neck. He was a good sport. He walked around with us while trick or treating and several people commented on how great we looked. The kids got a ton of candy that we got to hand out the next night at trunk or treat at our church. So we still enden up with a lot that is still down stairs in a bowl because my kids only like the chocolate.


angie said...

That is so awesome! I love the costumes! What a good idea. The pumpkins look good too. Congrats on the "ibex" thing.

Hooper's said...

You guys looked GREAT! I especially love your costume. I miss you guys.