Thursday, March 12, 2009


Sorry it has been so long scince I posted a blog. I have been busy. Mark and I went to Georgia to look for houses and my parents came and took care of my kids. A big thanks to them for doing this. I know it is not easy to watch my children.
After we got home we started having plumbing problems, at first it was just some gray colored water that came up through the drain on the floor. We called housing to fix it and they came out and snaked the line. They told us it was fine to use so we did and two days later more water came up so they came back and did it again. Told us we could use it again that the line was clear. So after a couple more times of coming out they finally sent a plumber out to look at the problem. The plumber filmed the lines and told us housing would get back to us. This was on a Friday night so on Sunday the 1st our sewer backed up again but this time it was not just water that came up. It was really gross. I couldn't clean it up because I was dry heaving the whole time so my husband, who is the greatest ever, cleaned it up. That night he called the housing office line and told them he wanted a manager out here first thing in the morning they showed up at noon. When I went to open the basment door for them I stept in a pile of crap that came up from the sewer again. Well to make a story a little shorter the put us in a Hotel until Tuesday. They had to put n a new sewer line and replace a pipe under the floor in the basement.
That is not even the best part. On Wednesday night I got really sick. It was coming out of both ends for two days. I could not get out of bed all day on Thursday. I stopped throwing up on Friday morning but still had the other problem. I went to the doctor and he said I had Roto Virus more then likely form the sewage that was in the basement. Now I don't want you to think I didn't wash my hands after being down in all that crap becasue I did. I have been wondering if I got it from touching something the plumbers touched after handling the little snake tool because I don't think they washed there hands even once while they were down there.
I know it is very gross but I thought I would share it with everyone.


Miken Harding said...

Hope you feel better. That's real crappy-literally!:) Hope to see you Sunday.

Mangelson's said...

Oh man that sounds horrible. I hope your feeling better.

The Winns said...

Boy do you know how to have fun!!!:)

Hooper's said...

That is gross! Did you throw your shoes away or were you barefoot. I am so excited to see you in June. I am glad your back into your house. Love ya

tmhhall said...

Sarah only I month 3 weeks and 4 days until the wedding im excited to see you we miss ya